City of Waterloo Council Summary December 2, 2024

Posted On Monday December 02, 2024

** The council summary below provides a snapshot of the major items presented at Monday’s council meeting. The council meeting webcast is available on the City of Waterloo YouTube page. Please refer to the minutes for an official record of the meeting.

City of Waterloo identifies Habitat/BUILD NOW as preferred candidate for the affordable and attainable housing development at 2025 University Ave E

The City of Waterloo took a significant step in providing city-owned lands for affordable housing, as Council voted unanimously to identify Habitat for Humanity Waterloo Region/BUILD NOW: Waterloo Region as the preferred proponent to develop the property at 2025 University Avenue East (corner of University Ave East and Millennium Boulevard).

Learn more about this exciting initiative in the City of Waterloo news release from earlier in the evening.


Waterloo Official Plan will allow 30 storeys within Major Transit Station Areas and Nodes

Council approved an Official Plan Amendment that will guide development to meet the needs of the City for the next 25 years. There are over 32,000 properties in the City, and this review is focussed on enabling growth and adding flexibility, in addition to responding to provincial legislative changes. Updates approved by Council include allowing development up to 30 storeys as-of-right on some lands within Major Transit Station Areas and Nodes (from 25 storeys).

Council also approved designated properties for site-specific consideration regarding additional height beyond 6, 12 or 30 storeys, additional land use permissions and/or urban design flexibility. Site-specific deferrals will allow staff and property owners to work on solutions for the select properties.

Through the Official Plan review, the City continues the work to create complete and connected communities through updates to the commercial and employment policies, mixed use areas, and encouraging good urban design. The Official Plan Review included extensive consultation with the community, industry and agencies. Next steps include initiating a zoning by-law amendment application to implement these changes.


Media contact:

Cari Van Niekerk
Director, Corporate Communications