Find manuals, guidelines and standards
Manuals and standards for planning, urban design and development in the City of Waterloo.
Engineering and landscape manual
- learn requirements for obtaining city approval
- includes design, construction and maintenance specifications
Urban design manual
- use the manual when submitting official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments and site plan applications
- learn the how city staff review applications for urban design
Building accessibility standards
- use the building accessibility standards to learn how city planners review
- city planners give the region feedback for condominium and subdivision plans
Privately owned publicly accessible space (POPS) guide
- Privately owned publicly accessibly spaces, known as POPS, are spaces accessible to the public but are privately owned
- POPs complement or extend public spaces.
View master plans, studies and strategies
- view the master plans and other plans, studies and strategies that impact city growth and development
- learn about how planning and development are shaping the city
View the Terms of Reference
- get help with development requirements
- download the Terms of Reference documents