City hall and Waterloo Service Centre

Find hours, locations and services offered at Waterloo City hall and the Waterloo Service Centre.

Check our closures page to find out when we're closed for holidays.

Waterloo City Centre (city hall)

Waterloo City Centre (also known as city hall) is located at 100 Regina Street South. Service counters are open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The building often stays open later for public meetings.

You can reach customer service at 519-886-1550, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Two hour parking is free in the City Centre Lot. Grand River Transit (GRT) bus stops are located 300m away at Waterloo Public Square, or 200m away at the intersection of King Street South and William Street.

Check the GRT website for transit times and fees.

City hall mailing address

100 Regina Street South
PO Box 337, Station Waterloo
Waterloo, ON
N2J 4A8

City hall drop box location

If you need to drop something off in person, there is a secure drop box on the William Street side of the building.

Smartphone controlled elevators

The elevators at city hall can be controlled by a smart phone if you are unable to use the physical buttons. 

To use this accessibility feature, follow these steps:

  1. Download the Contactless Access app, available on Google Play and Apple App Store
  2. Open the app and enable location permissions so that your phone can access nearby elevators
  3. Once at city hall and nearby the elevator, open the app and press “Search”
  4. The app will search for nearby elevators and show corresponding arrows indicating up and down, select your preference
  5. Once inside the elevator, a new menu appears with floor options, select your desired floor
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 to return to the ground floor or access a different floor

Waterloo Service Centre

The service centre is located at 265 Lexington Court. The service counter (inside the main entrance) is open Monday to Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

You can reach customer service at 519-886-2310.

Visitor parking is free. The closest Grand River Transit (GRT) bus stops are located 600 to 700m away on Lexington Road. Check the GRT website for transit times and fees. 

In person services

You can do the following at the main service counter (cash, cheque and debit accepted):

  • pay a water or property tax bill
  • apply and pay for parking, park access, and road occupancy permits
  • buy a water meter
  • buy garbage tags