Knowing your neighbourhood helps you connect with others to get involved. Check out this PDF map of Waterloo neighbourhoods or use the interactive map below to find your neighbourhood.

Not all spaces in Waterloo have a neighbourhood name. If you are interested in collaborating with other neighbours to develop a name for your space, connect with

Neighbourhood associations

Neighbourhood associations are groups that are affiliated and have formal partnerships with the City of Waterloo. These groups work to foster neighbourhood connections and create opportunities for recreation. To learn more about becoming affiliated, check out this helpful webpage. 

Does your neighbourhood have a neighbourhood association? Check out the list below.

Homes associations

Home associations also work to foster neighbourhood connections and create opportunities for recreation. These groups often share a pool or tennis court within their home development. Check out the home associations in Waterloo:

Neighbourhood Groups

These groups are another example of residents working as a neighbourhood to foster connections and create opportunities for recreation.

Don’t see your neighbourhood?

Is your neighbourhood not on these lists? Consider organizing new neighbourhood connections as a neighbourhood connector or participating in opportunities to name your neighbourhood! Email for more information.