Volume 7 - Landscape architecture
This volume provides landscape architecture requirements for site plan, subdivision, and capital projects.
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This document may be updated on an annual basis or at the discretion of the Director of Engineering Services.
1.0 Purpose
This Volume of the City of Waterloo Comprehensive Engineering and Landscape Manual (CELM), Volume 7, is intended to provide general expectations of landscape architectural elements of Site Plan, Subdivision, and Capital Works within the City of Waterloo. This includes the design and implementation of site plan landscape works and new subdivision parks and open spaces.
These standards outline the City’s minimum expectations, and any deviation will require specific review and approval by the City Development Engineering Landscape Architect / Project Manager before implementation into a project.
2.0 Site plan
2.1 Vegetation management plan and landscape plan requirements
The Vegetation Management Plan and Landscape Plan Checklist for Site Plan (Appendix V7-A) directs users to the relevant Landscape Architecture requirements that apply to the Site Plan Approval process. Some of these requirements are noted as they do not currently exist within the online site plan requirements. The checklist is provided at the pre-consultation stage of the site plan process and serves as guidelines for preparation of Vegetation Management and Landscape Plans and outlines landscape certification requirements.
The Urban Design Manual may be found on the City of Waterloo’s website. Other requirements are fully documented in the current Urban Design Manual.
See Volume 2 for information relating to site plan approval, securities, site certification, and maintenance procedures.
3.0 New subdivision park and open space
3.1 Introduction
The original Landscape Design Process and Requirements Manual was created in 2003 to assist the development industry (mainly landscape architectural consultants) in understanding and applying the requirements for park and open space development standards in new subdivisions. It was updated in 2008. It has recently been updated and included within the City’s CELM, mainly in Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 7, and Standard Drawings.
Some of these revisions have been a result of new legislation such as AODA and Design of Public Spaces Standard (DoPS), some through good design principles such as Crime Prevention through Environmental Design (CPTED), others through operational changes within the City of Waterloo, or simply to better clarify standard requirements.
The philosophy of Development Engineering is to work with the Developer, their consultants, and other city departments and agencies to develop parks, open spaces and associated facilities that serve the community in accordance with approved standards. In this regard, Development Engineering is responsible for providing data and expertise on the quantity, type and size of required recreation facilities, as well as directing the Developer and their consultants in plan preparation and for monitoring site construction. At the time of plan preparation, the Developer and their consultants shall consider all site-specific issues and long-term maintenance implications of their proposal as outlined in this manual.
Another consideration for the Developer and the Consultant is the City’s Environment First Policy. The Environment First Policy approach needs to be reflected in park/open space design and maintenance. The City of Waterloo is committed to the environment and any designs and maintenance programs created for assumption by the City should embrace the City’s Environment First Policy objectives. Park/open space designs should:
- Utilize native plant material wherever possible
- Minimize the need for intensive maintenance
- Design so there is no need for the use of herbicides/pesticides (as adopted in the City’s Plant Healthcare Program)
- Actively incorporate areas where no-mow zones could be instituted
- Undertake other solutions/practices that may help to protect and enhance the environment
3.2 Park and open space design
3.2.1 General development notes
As a standard condition of the Subdivision Agreement, the Developer shall construct and fund the park/open space development. All park/open space development shall be completed as per the City’s current standards and requirements in effect at the time of application. Where a SWM pond has a recreational component, such as part of the City's trail network, open space requirements may apply.
The following sections include items that are typically included in park/open space developments within new subdivisions. This list is not exhaustive and additional items can be included in park/open space development at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
In the event that a park/open space straddles two or more plans of subdivision, the City shall encourage an agreement among the affected Developers. The subdivision which proceeds first shall be responsible for front-ending the financing, design and construction of the park/open space block.
3.2.2 General requirements
In addition to the specific elements outlined in sections below, the Developer is responsible for the following:
- Elevations/Grades – ensuring all information is accurate and approved. Refer to Volume 5 for detailed grading requirements.
- Trees to be saved – assessment of the existing vegetation and provision of adequate measures during construction to ensure survival of existing trees and vegetation. The Landscape Consultant shall implement the approved Vegetation Management Plan (“Trees to be Saved Plan”) for all park/open space development.
- Clearing and grubbing – removal of all agreed upon debris, boulders and vegetative material from site. Any plant material to be saved is to be protected, in the approved manner, before clearing and grubbing commences.
- Topsoil – strip all reusable topsoil from the park/open space for stockpiling in an approved method on site. No stockpiling of topsoil from other areas or sites is permitted. If additional topsoil is required to meet specified depths and/or specified topsoil quality, it is to be imported at the Developer’s cost.
- If topsoil testing is required, it shall be completed at the Developer’s expense
- Servicing – all catch basins, storm sewers and underground servicing within the park/open space block as required and agreed upon to service the park/open space blocks
- Fencing – fencing requirements for walkway blocks and any additional locations shall be determined by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect and/or Development Engineering Project Manager
3.2.3 Sports facilities Design intent
When siting sports facilities, consideration for access to parking, visibility, buffering from surrounding uses, orientation, noise, dust and other general design requirements shall be addressed. General
The City of Waterloo encourages the incorporation of sports facilities within new subdivisions. Discussions between City staff, the Consultant and the Developer shall occur at the beginning of the subdivision design process to site these facilities on a site-by-site basis.
When sports fields and/or ball diamonds are identified as a park design component, the size of the sports facility shall conform to City of Waterloo standards. See the Development Engineering Landscape Architect for information on the current standards.
Area dimensions may be modified to fit a particular site or to accommodate multiple functions. The Development Engineering Landscape Architect, in conjunction with Community Services shall work with the Developer to accommodate all site functions. Buffers
All four sides of the sports facility shall have an appropriate buffer or play out area to allow for shifting of play.
Consideration for spectators shall be given outside the buffer area and shall incorporate amenity space and canopy trees to provide shade. Orientation
All sports facilities shall be laid out with a northeast/southwest orientation along the playing axis wherever possible. Turf
The turf areas should be seed or sod and shall conform to the most current standards and requirements. Lighting
In most neighbourhood parks, the City of Waterloo does not require playing fields to be lighted. Consult the Development Engineering Landscape Architect to determine lighting requirements.
If lighting is required, the lighting shall adhere to current lighting requirements and all proposed lights shall be designed to minimize spill to adjacent land-use areas. Irrigation
The City of Waterloo does not typically require irrigation as part of the playing field design requirements. If there is an irrigation requirement the Development Engineering Landscape Architect will notify the Landscape Consultant. Additional information
It is the responsibility of the Landscape Consultant to indicate on working drawings the layout, grading, drainage, dimensions and materials for all sports facilities.
The Contractor is responsible for demarcating with wooden stakes the location of goal posts to allow the City of Waterloo to precisely locate the required equipment.
3.2.4 Trails and pathways
3.2.5 Design intent
The City of Waterloo is committed to building trails and trail loops in all new subdivision developments to connect park/open space to environmental areas, shopping, businesses, schools and other amenities, as well as to encourage alternative transportation modes and healthy living opportunities.
See the City of Waterloo Transportation Master Plan for further information. General
All trails/pathways shall be designed to the following unless otherwise stipulated by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect:
- A minimum width of 3.0 m
- Built within the ideal slopes of 2% - 4%
- Any change in direction shall have a minimum radius of 4.5 m
- A crown or cross slope of 1% - 2%
- When built at a maximum slope, up to 8%, the following conditions pertain:
- shall have a maximum continuous run of 9.0 m
- if the total run exceeds 9m, a minimum 1.2m x 1.2m landing is required for each 9.0 m interval
- Trail amenities shall be considered on all trails/pathways, including standard benches, trash receptacles, bike racks, and/or transition/access nodes at major access points. These amenities shall be strategically located such that they receive optimum use.
- Trails/Pathways shall be designed to accommodate maintenance and small emergency vehicles unless otherwise noted by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect
- Parking lots near trail access points shall be required, at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect
- Refer to Standard Drawings for more information. Types of pathways
- Walkway Block – See Standard Drawings
- Park Trail – A 3.0 m wide asphalt pathway linking parks and open spaces to neighbourhoods, environmental areas and additional amenities, unless otherwise indicated by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
- Emergency Access – See Standard Drawings
- SWM Pond Access – Access into a stormwater management pond that is for City of Waterloo maintenance use only. For further information, see Volume 6 and Standard Drawings. Pathway development in vulnerable areas
Pedestrian access to vulnerable areas such as woodlots and/or environmentally sensitive areas shall be at the discretion of the City of Waterloo. Approval of the trail design and construction may be subject to alternate surface treatments (stonedust or wood chip). When designing a trail/pathway in vulnerable areas, alternative designs and standards may be required in some locations at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect. Surface treatment and construction scope
Asphalt surface treatment is required on all pathways unless otherwise indicated by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect. Pathway construction includes all of the required works such as extensions of pathways into the boulevard to meet the sidewalk or street (asphalt apron), curb cuts, culverts, pathway bollards, guards etc. to make pathways safe and useable. Bollard gates
When a pathway is abutting a sidewalk and/or roadway, or meets any area of potential vehicular access, a bollard gate is required to deter unauthorized motor vehicles from accessing the pathway.
The bollard gate shall be set back from the edge of the curb and/or sidewalk to allow a City of Waterloo maintenance truck to pull completely off the right-of-way. All swing gates are to be installed on the right-hand side of the entry at least 2.5 m from the sidewalk edge or 6m from the curb edge.
Additional small trees shall be incorporated on either side of the bollard gate spaced at 3.0 m on centre spacing at the maximum distance. This additional plant material is to allow clear visibility into the park and to deter people from driving around the bollard gates to access the public land with their vehicles. Where paths/access ways are wider than 3.0 m, a double bollard gate may be required at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
Bollard gates, stop posts, and AUE 30LS padlocks are standard items which must be purchased from the City of Waterloo Stock Room. Refer to Appendix V7-D.
For increased visibility and as an additional safety measure, reflective tape must be applied to each bollard gate, refer to Standard Drawings. Curb treatment
Where a pathway abuts a roadway, the pathway shall be centred on the curb cut. The standard curb cut shall be at least 3.0 m wide with a concrete or asphalt apron and tactile plates as required. The requirement of the curb cut will be at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect. Transitional pathways/access nodes
At major street/trail intersections, the trail shall have a transitional node area, refer to Standard Drawings with:
- Standard bollard gate
- 150mm (6”) x 150mm (6”) x 3000mm (10’) chamfered pressure treated post and park sign installed
- Additional trail amenities at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect
In a situation where the transitional pathway/access node is designed in conjunction with a parking lot, the Landscape Consultant shall provide a detailed plan for approval by the Development Services Landscape Architect. Signage
See Permanent Signage section below for further information. Lighting
Typically, lighting along pathways is not a requirement unless specified by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect. For details on lighting standards when lighting is required, see Volume 4. Buffering
A minimum of 3.0 m shall be required between any trail and the property line or top of bank of an adjacent open space.
When locating trees and shrubs, consideration shall be given to providing a 2.0 m offset to the trails edges to allow for mature growth of the plant material. A 1.0 m mow strip shall be maintained clear of vegetation on both sides of the pathway. The City of Waterloo encourages the planting of trees along the trail for shading. Additional information
The Consultant shall indicate on the Concept Plan and Working Drawings the layout, dimensions, grades/slopes/materials and, where possible, links to adjacent lands and/or pathways.
3.2.6 Switchbacks Design intent
A switchback is a section of trail that goes up a steep hill in a zigzag pattern instead of following a straight line. A switchback’s intent is to make it easier and safer for trail users to ascend or descend a slope.
The zigzag pattern keeps the trail at a consistent gradient of less than 8%, thereby protecting the hill and trail from excessive erosion and facilitating the use by trail patrons. Due to the slope, trails which require a switchback often do not meet minimum accessibility standards and should only be used where no other design solution will permit an accessible trail. General
Within park/open space areas, the surface treatment for switchback trails shall be the asphalt standard and any alternative surface treatment (e.g., tar and chip) shall be at the discretion of the City of Waterloo. The switchback shall be at least 3.0 m wide and should incorporate landings where users can rest, especially where slopes are sustained.
Consideration of existing vegetation shall be included in the design when locating a switchback in or adjacent to a woodland and/or environmentally sensitive area. All undisturbed areas shall be left in good standing. Planting of native trees, shrubs, and/or seeding along pathways shall be approved by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
The turning radius of switchbacks should be consistent with the design criteria of the trail.
Due to the nature of switchbacks, the Landscape Consultant shall be required to indicate surface drainage and flow on the areas adjacent to the switchback and indicate the appropriate grading requirements to accommodate the surface runoff.
All switchbacks shall be shown on the Concept Plan and Working Drawings. The Landscape Consultant shall provide grade/slope information, materials, dimensions, planting, details, etc.
3.2.7 Play space
Refer to Volume 2 for play space and equipment approval process. Design intent
The design and layout of parks with play equipment must take into account the safety of the users. The play equipment shall be located near the street edge, be visible from the street, and be free and clear of obstacles (such as plant material) that may impede sight lines.
Siting for neighbour impact (i.e., noise, visibility, etc.) shall be addressed so that play equipment is located away from property edges and/or buffered wherever possible. The play space shall be sited on level ground, with a pathway access, good visibility from surrounding areas and with due consideration for other site conditions.
All playground equipment must adhere to CAN/CSA-Z614-07 or current applicable CSA requirements. The play structure should include elements that challenge children of all ages.
Shade for play spaces and seating shall be provided within the design of a park. Careful species selection and location of shade trees is imperative. The addition of canopy, shade structures or other methodologies of providing shade in these areas is to be carefully considered to protect our users from sun damage. Wood gazebos are not permitted within public parks and open space.
Play spaces shall be indicated on the Concept Plan and working drawings. At the Concept Plan stage, the Landscape Consultant shall provide Development Engineering with a 3-D layout plan of the proposed play structure, including safety and non-encroachment zones, edging and surfacing details, and a list of all components. Playground components
The playground components shall be appropriate for the neighbourhood as discussed with the Development Engineering Landscape Architect at the initial meeting between the Developer, Landscape Consultant and the City of Waterloo.
When playground installations are identified for a park/open space block, the play area should be appropriate for children in the 5–12-year age group. See below for a list of mandatory, optional, and unacceptable playground equipment components: Required play equipment – list of mandatory components
- Straight slide (single, double, triple or waved)
- Central Deck, lookout platform with one roof minimum One set of enclosed stairs
- Spiral or curved slide Climber (‘S’ climber, arch, etc.) Optional play equipment elements
- Swing sets with double posts and two or more bays for maximum stability (belt swing bay and bucket seat bay for tots)
- Slides Spring Toys
- Other “imagination play” features approved by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect Unacceptable play equipment components
- Clear plastic bubble panels
- Vinyl coated chain
- Use of temporary materials such as silicone to solve string/entanglement hazards
- Wooden components Support posts
The support post width of the structure shall be a minimum of 125mm (5”) diameter for a round post or 100mm (4”) square post and must be designed for public play spaces and a high number of users. Playground edge Standard
The City of Waterloo requires a concrete curb edging around the playground area with concrete ramp or curb cut to provide direct access to accessible play components. See Standard Drawings for more information. Other edge treatments may be considered by staff after careful evaluation by the Consultant and Development Engineering Landscape Architect. Not permitted
- The City of Waterloo does not accept ‘Kid Timbers’ or plastic edging in any playground environment
- Wooden edge restraints are permitted in certain situations and must be approved by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect. If wooden edge restraints are permitted, they shall be a minimum 150 mm (6”) x 150 mm (6”) and shall be pressure treated
- All other wooden playground components are not permitted under any circumstance Drainage
Subbase of play surface to be drained with perforated subdrains. Proper drainage with a minimum of depth based on fall height of play equipment plus 50mm (or as per current CSA guidelines) of protective surfacing shall be provided under all components.
Refer to Standard Drawings for more information. Surfacing
Safety and non-encroachment zones shall be on an even, continuous surface with no tripping hazards.
Surfacing type for playground areas shall conform to current CSA standards. The City of Waterloo requires quality engineered wood fibre that resists compaction during use while continuing to pass the CSA Z-614-07 or current CSA standards. Filter cloth shall be laid under the wood fibre surfacing. Seating
Seating areas shall be located near play areas with ample shade opportunities, benches and garbage receptacles. Seating areas shall be outside of the required non-encroachment zones of the playground components as outlined by the equipment supplier. Seating shall be provided on hard surfacing / concrete pad. Accessible seating option(s) and concrete pad configuration to be provided. Planting
The planting of shade trees around play areas is encouraged providing that the plant material respects child safety and visibility. Planting should not obstruct visibility from the street, allowing for natural surveillance to the play structure. Coniferous species, shrubs, perennials, and other plant material shall not be planted around play areas.
Play spaces shall be buffered from surrounding uses. Labelling requirements
Play structure labels shall conform to the current CSA standards. The manufacturer will identify the children’s age group which the structure is designed for, include contact information for the playground manufacturer, and shall locate in a visible location on the structure. The label shall be attached to the structure permanently, such that a tool is required to remove it. Maintenance kit
The Landscape Consultant is to ensure that a maintenance kit from the equipment supplier, including detailed installation instructions, a complete parts list, detailed maintenance instructions, all specifications, warranties and receipts (as per current CSA standards) are provided to Development Engineering for City maintenance crews, at the time of Substantial Completion. Maintenance program
The Developer and their consultants are responsible to ensure that all play area surfacing is maintained to meet current CSA standards, weeded and cleaned of debris regularly throughout the maintenance period.
If necessary, the Developer shall also ensure that more surfacing is added as necessary to satisfy current CSA standards.
Any damage to border and edging, or any vandalism to the play structure(s) and its components are to be repaired by the Developer.
After the Substantial Completion Certificate (SCC) is awarded, the City is responsible to perform maintenance inspections of the play structure(s) and surrounding play spaces, notifying the Landscape Consultant of any issues or repairs which must be resolved by the Developer. This inspection will continue until the awarding of the Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC).
All issues identified by City inspections shall be rectified by the Developer immediately upon written notification of a defect, in accordance with current CSA standards. If the repair takes time, all reasonable steps shall be taken to restrict access.
3.2.8 Parking lots Design intent
Parking lots may be required on a site-to-site basis at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
The Developer is encouraged to locate neighbourhood parks adjacent to school sites to allow joint usage of facilities such as parking.
When siting park/open space components, buffering between the parking lot and surrounding uses shall be provided. Shade trees shall be provided to shade and buffer any parking lots.
Parking lots shall be shown on the Concept Plan and Working Drawings with the layout, dimensions, grades/slopes/materials, catch basins and additional information as required.
3.2.9 Permanent signage Design intent
As part of the landscape development process, it is the responsibility of the Developer to provide permanent park signage anytime that a park/open space meets a right-of-way. The Development Engineering Landscape Architect will approve the location of the park signage and wherever possible, provide the park name and street address to the Landscape Consultant, which must be included on the final layout plans prior to plan approval. Standard
The Developer shall install the permanent signage. See Standard drawings for more information. Ordering process
The Landscape Consultant shall coordinate the ordering of the sign and post 8 weeks before the planned installation date. If the sign is not installed at the time of the Substantial Completion Inspection, the Substantial Completion Certificate (SCC) will not be awarded.
The City no longer stocks the standard Park Regulatory Signage. There are currently a number of local suppliers that have the City digital files and can manufacture the regulatory signage. Contact the Development Engineering Landscape Architect to get the appropriate City digital files to ensure compliance to City standard detail. See Standard Drawings and Appendix V7-D.
3.2.10 Garbage receptacles Design intent
Space should be allocated for the placement of garbage receptacle(s) at all entrances/exits of the park/open space block as determined by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
Garbage receptacles shall be sited a minimum of 5.0 m away from any park bench(es), depending on the overall park size.
When garbage receptacles are located adjacent to a pathway, the garbage receptacle is to be set back from the pathway a minimum of 0.6 m to allow space for snow removal equipment to pass.
The Landscape Consultant shall indicate on the working drawing the location of the garbage receptacle(s). Standard
The City requires an in-ground disposal system, typically a Molok, although an approved equal might be considered by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
The standard Molok is a M-1300 Molok 1.73cu m. deep well waste receptacle with standard 7” circle opening lid, black colour, mahogany recycled plastic board framing, and custom City of Waterloo plaque on front (plaque design provided by the City, approximately 310 x 500mm). See Standard Drawings for more information.
At the discretion of the City some parks may require two in ground garbage units or a larger than standard size, at appropriate frontages.
An internal disposable bag is required to be placed within the internal sleeve of the Molok and must be replaced following every garbage removal process.
Where possible, the servicing lid must be locked with AUE long shackle lock.
The Developer is required to empty the Molok throughout the 2-year maintenance/warranty period including prior to the Final Acceptance inspection.
3.2.11 Bike racks
Space for bike rack(s) shall be allocated along trails, near rest areas, playgrounds and/or sports fields. In active areas, additional bike racks shall be provided in a location approved by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
The appropriate number of bike racks will depend on the park/open space facilities and shall be located in areas approved by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
Refer to Volume 4 and Standard Drawings for City of Waterloo bike rack details.
3.2.12 Park benches Design intent
Park benches shall be located within the landscaped areas with ample shade opportunities. Such areas may include play areas, park entrances, and near sports fields, trails and passive recreational areas.
When located adjacent to a pathway, park benches are to be set back from the pathway allowing space for snow removal equipment to pass and leg room for people sitting.
The number and location of park bench(es) varies from site to site and will be at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect. Standard
The City of Waterloo standard bench is supplied by W.H. Reynolds Limited: Reyco 426106 with Tapcon Holes fitted with pressure treated 50mm x 150mm pressure treated wood slats. It is available for purchase from the City of Waterloo Stock Room. See Appendix V7-D.
All park benches shall be located on 1800mm x 1200mm concrete pads with the back of the bench aligned with the back of the concrete pad to ensure comfortable seating, so users’ feet do not obstruct the trail/pathway.
A resting area must be provided adjacent to park benches, complete with concrete curbing located around the exterior edge. A 3.0 m wide area of a different material than the path (i.e., concrete if the path is asphalt) is required to be placed in front of the bench, allowing for users to easily recognize the resting area.
The Landscape Consultant shall indicate on the working drawings the location(s) of the park bench(es).
See Standard Drawings for more information.
3.2.13 Retaining/free standing walls
All walls, including playground borders, shall be indicated on the working drawings for approval (location, design, materials, etc.). If greater than 1000 mm in height, walls shall be indicated on working drawings and stamped by a Structural Engineering Consultant. All walls, safety barriers and alternative barriers, such as planting, must be in accordance with the Building Code Act and will need to be addressed.
Retaining walls are strongly discouraged on public property and should be avoided through overall subdivision grading or be located on private property wherever possible.
The Landscape Consultant shall provide the following information on the Park/Open Space Block Plan: location, top and bottom of wall grades, overall height, materials, colour, texture, pattern, dimensions and construction details.
3.2.14 Fencing Design intent
The City of Waterloo fencing standard will be installed between all public/private interfaces to protect natural features from encroachment and other nuisance habits. This includes residential lots backing onto buffers, woodlots, ESPA’s, SWM blocks, Park blocks, and any other areas as required by the City. Standard
Fencing standard to be 1.5 m height black vinyl chain link fencing with no gates or openings unless specified (and approved by the City). Other methods of demarcation such as demarcation posts, post and wire fencing, may be required in certain situations. Discussion with the Development Engineering Landscape Architect is recommended. Fencing to be located 150mm (6”) off the property line onto public land. Mesh is to face City property. The fencing must be installed prior to final grading of each residential lot where required to help prevent any park/open space encroachment.
See Standard Drawings for more information.
3.2.15 Property demarcation posts Design intent
Where locations have been approved by Development Engineering Landscape in lieu of standard black vinyl chain link fencing, demarcation posts are required along the rear or side property line(s) at any public/private interface. Living fence will be required in conjunction with demarcation posts at most locations. See Standard Drawings for more information. Standard
The demarcation post shall be spaced at 30 m intervals or at a change of direction in the property line. The demarcation posts are to be installed 300 mm from the property line on public property.
The demarcation posts must be installed prior to final grading of each residential lot where required to help prevent any park/open space encroachment. The demarcation posts are available for purchase from the City of Waterloo Stock Room.
See Standard Drawings for more information and Appendix V7-D.
3.2.16 Landscaped earthen berms Design intent
Landscaped earthen berms are often located between residential dwellings and a noise source (such as arterial roads) in order to attenuate noise. Since earthen berms often frame the streetscape along our roads, it is important the berms are designed to mitigate noise impacts and aesthetically improve the streetscape.
Design details and requirements related to landscaped earthen berms in the City of Waterloo are subject to review and approval by RMOW.
3.2.17 Additional amenities
City staff shall determine the acceptability of Developer-initiated facilities which are above the basic level of park/open space development. Discussions with the Developer may require the Developer to pay up-front the full cost of installing, maintaining and removal of such facilities (i.e., entry features, information kiosks, etc.).
Park/open space areas may also have unique elements and these elements shall be approved by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect, subject to long-term maintenance, funding and agreement among stakeholders.
If the City deems a proposed structure appropriate for a particular park development, then full working drawings and specifications of the structure are required for review and approval by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect prior to installation.
Prior to approval, an agreement will be required to collect funds from the Developer to maintain the structure for a minimum of five (5) years. A percentage of the initial installation cost may be retained by Development Engineering to remove or replace the structure in the future.
3.2.18 Dog waste receptacles
The management of dog waste has been a significant issue for the City and as a result the City has entered into a partnership with Sutera. If City staff determine that the park/open space requires a dog waste receptacle, the Developer will be responsible for the installation, maintenance or upkeep of the receptacle for the two-year warranty/maintenance period. Discussion with the Development Engineering Landscape Architect is recommended.
See Standard Drawings for more information.
3.2.19 Winter ice rinks
Winter ice rinks are an important part of community recreation. Design, layout and construction of ice rinks within parks specified by the City will be undertaken to achieve the best quality outdoor rink.
Rinks may be part of a larger green open space and be sodded, or they could be required to be multi-purpose and then are usually installed on asphalt hard surfaces such as basketball courts, volleyball courts, etc. Special attention must be given to the grading of these multi-purpose court/rinks to ensure drainage does not create winter hazards (e.g., drain away from adjacent trails).
It is the responsibility of the Developer to install a hydro and water service stub at the property boundary of the park/open space block during the Engineering Plan Review process if it is deemed necessary by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect. The location will be identified by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
The purpose of water and hydro service from the property line into the park block is to provide for a future ice rink. If the park is deemed appropriate in size and grade to allow for an ice rink, then a water line and yard hydrant and a hydro line, pedestal, panel, and pole/fixture are to be located within the park. The location will be identified by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect and will ensure minimal impacts on the surrounding neighbourhood. This information must be submitted for review by the Engineering Services Design and Construction (Engineering) group.
If funds are available, through the Development Charge Fund, the City will fund these lines and facilities from the property line into the park/open space.
See Standard Drawings for more information. Water service
The design of the water service should consider the location of the yard hydrant in relation to the water service at the property line. Too long a service between the main and the hydrant and the hydrant and the rink (hose length) from low to high elevation will impact pressure dramatically. A straight-line flat topography between the main and hydrant in a normal water pressure area can handle 61m, plus 31m of hose. In a low-pressure area this distance will be reduced and in a high-pressure area it can be extended. Downhill runs will increase pressure. Basically, the shorter the run between the main and the hydrant the better, but not at the cost of having longer hose lengths. In an ideal situation the rink should be placed within 91-106m of the water main. The layout and design of the water service needs to be coordinated with the overall servicing plan prepared by the Engineering Consultant to ensure a service that will function at its peak.
The yard hydrant and required lock can be purchased through the service centre. The yard hydrant is Boshart Premium Yard Hydrant, premium galvanized bronze, no lead, and Abus Long Shackle Lock are both available for purchase from the City of Waterloo Stock Room. See Appendix V7-D.
The yard hydrant should be placed within 38m central of the furthest corner of the rink site. See Standard Drawings for more information.
The yard hydrant should be placed in an area where it is protected from mowers etc. so it does not get damaged during the summer months. They should be located in well drained, porous soil types to ensure the hydrant can self-drain effectively and not freeze in the winter and render it useless. The hydrant spout should face the identified rink site. Hydro service
A hydro service, a light standard and timer, and an electrical panel box are required as part of the hydro infrastructure to facilitate a rink in the winter. It should be located close to the rink to provide good light coverage without impacting surrounding properties. The panel should be located in a logical location for servicing. Timing
The overall design for the rink infrastructure should be a collaborative process between the Engineer and the Landscape Consultant, the Developer, and the City. If the neighbourhood has formed a rink committee and is prepared to undertake the maintenance, then the infrastructure should be installed as part of the overall park construction. If the neighbourhood is not yet organized then the infrastructure should be installed, as per the approved design, following the two-year warranty/maintenance period or at such time the neighbourhood wishes to activate by City forces.
3.3 Planting design guidelines and requirements
3.3.1 General planting guidelines General
The City of Waterloo is committed to planting native species within park/open space blocks, living fences, near buffers and environmental significant areas, along streets and stormwater management ponds.
The City of Waterloo has a strong Environment First Policy that encourages naturalization, no mowing zones within park/open spaces, native buffer plantings, and/or minimal mowing/ trimming in other areas.
Generally, first priority for plant material proposed should be native/common to the Region of Waterloo. Some specific site conditions may require a broader range/scope or may be subject to other Regulatory Agency review. Final plant species selection approval is subject to the Development Engineering Landscape Architect. For urban and streetscape plantings, please refer to the City of Waterloo Preferred Street Tree Species List (Appendix V7-C). Design intent
The size and placement of plant materials shall be in keeping with desired design objectives such as massing between uses where appropriate, shade opportunities for seating areas, defining of space along streets, etc.
The City will accept plant material in various root conditions. The approval to plant bareroot plant materials depends on location proposed, species and the planting season. The City will also consider plant material that is balled & burlap, potted or spaded (if transplanting is needed).
All plant material must be in good health at the time of planting and for the duration of the maintenance/warranty period. The plant material shall be guaranteed for no less than two (2) years from the date of Substantial Completion.
All planting installation shall conform to City of Waterloo standards and specifications. Planting details shall be included in the working drawing package for review and approval by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
See Standard Drawings for more information.
3.3.2 Topsoil
Topsoil is not permitted to be stockpiled within park blocks in new subdivisions.
All topsoil to be obtained from stockpiles or other sources is to be tested by a certified testing facility for N, P, K, Mg, soluble salt content, organic matter, pH value, and agricultural herbicide residue for the healthy growth of trees, shrubs, perennials and turf. Topsoil is to be amended, as required to achieve a good growing medium to sustain healthy plant material long term.
Inspection and testing of topsoil shall be carried out by an OMAFRA certified testing laboratory. Testing costs associated with testing and amendment to acceptance by the City is the Developer’s responsibility.
Submit two copies of the soil report, analysis and recommendations to the Development Engineering Landscape Architect prior to hauling and spreading topsoil on the work site. Failure to obtain topsoil samples and testing and submitting soil analysis report will delay commencement of work until reports are submitted and reviewed by the City. Provide proof that the specified topsoil amendments are carried out. Obtain approval from the Consultant and City of satisfactory topsoil amendments and prepared subgrades prior to hauling placing and spreading of topsoil.
Topsoil obtained from designated stockpiles shall be amended by mechanical shredder, other methods of blending shall be reviewed and approved only by the Consultant and the City.
Spread topsoil to the following minimum depths:
- Parks to be 25mm (9”)
- Shrub to be 600mm (24')
- Tree planting 900mm (36”)
- SWM pond 225mm (9”)
- Boulevards 450mm (18”)
Compact soil to 85% Standard Proctor Density.
The Contractor shall guarantee that the soil submitted for the laboratory testing is a representative sample taken according to the lab recommendations from the material that will be delivered to the site.
Topsoil from all sources shall be fertile, friable, topsoil free of fragments larger than 75mm in size; stones over 30mm in diameter; debris; plants or their roots, sticks; noxious weed plants/stolons/seeds; salts; soil sterilant; chemical contaminants; or other materials detrimental to plant growth.
Topsoil shall have the following characteristics or be within the following ranges:
- textural class of sandy loam
- a pH range of 6.0-7.5
- not less than 2.5% to 5% organic matter
- salt less than 2.0 ms/cm (millisiemens/cm) total salts
Topsoil not meeting the minimum specification must be amended and retested. Fertilizer and mineral amendments must be made as per soil testing agency recommendations.
Topsoil shall not be moved, delivered or worked on while in a frozen, wet, or muddy state or condition.
Planting mix where specified, shall be thoroughly combined prior to placement in planting bed areas to the following proportions; 4 parts approved topsoil and 1-part organic amendment (compost, manure, peatmoss, etc.).
Amendments shall have the following characteristics:
- pH 5.5-8.0
- a minimum of 60% organic matter
- salt less than 2.0 ms/cm (millisiemens/cm) total salts
- maximum moisture content of 35%
Compost and manure shall meet the standards found in the Guidelines for the Production of Compost in Ontario (MECP, PIBS 8413) and shall be virtually free from all viable weed seeds, or other plant reproductive parts, pathogens, chemicals or toxic contaminates. Physical contaminants such as rock, plastic, metal or glass shall be less than 0.5%. Total carbon to nitrogen ratio in the resulting growing medium shall not exceed 30:1.
Mixes containing a significant amount of peat moss shall not be permitted to dry out. The moisture content of the peat moss at the time of mixing shall be not less than 60% to 75%.
For standard seed/sod beds provide a minimum of 50mm of loose soil on the surface of areas to receive seed/sod.
Maintain all topsoil so that it is erosion free and put in place necessary protection measures as required. Correct all erosion as required prior to proceeding with work.
3.3.3 Preservation of existing vegetation
The City of Waterloo is committed to retaining as many individual trees, groupings of trees, vegetation communities within a designated area in particular new subdivisions. Detail of this process will be outlined below that is specific to landscape architectural requirements, but additional information may be required in the preparation of the Engineering plans/submissions.
The Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) is to be created early in the planning process to provide information and analysis of existing trees/vegetation to ensure that trees/vegetation worth preserving are identified and protected. After submitting the Vegetation Management Plan (VMP) with the Engineering Submission, the Developer’s Representative (Landscape Architect, Arborist, or Forester) will be required to meet with the City Forester on site to discuss the parameters of the development and anticipated vegetation management on site. This meeting must be scheduled with the City Forester at least 48 hours in advance. Include a note of the date of this meeting on the VMP.
Following the meeting, the VMP shall be revised as per the City Forester’s recommendations.
The VMP evaluation prepared and submitted as part of all the Engineering Plan submission (e.g., grading, servicing, etc.) and be reviewed and ultimately approved by the Engineering Services Landscape Architect.
It is the responsibility of the Owner/Developer to provide a VMP and to employ a reputable consultant, preferably a team including a qualified professional Landscape Architect, an ISA Certified Arborist, or Forester to complete a comprehensive tree/vegetation assessment and field work to prepare a viable VMP, an arborist report, and a recommended implementation plan. This information will also ultimately be incorporated into the comprehensive Landscape Plans indicating removal, transplant, replacement, naturalization and new plantings.
The VMP will also reflect and assess trees/vegetation within 6.0m into abutting public or private lands to protect throughout the development process.
The VMP plan should be presented in an easy-to-read format including the tag numbering, measurement, assessment, description of trees/vegetation and recommendations of next steps.
The VMP should be completed and reviewed by City staff prior to the design of the draft plan of subdivision.
The VMP shall provide the following:
- All individual trees located on the property and within 6.0 m of the property line
- Tree tag number – corresponding to numbered tree location points on the Vegetation Management Plan
- Species – including both common name and botanical (scientific) name. If known, cultivar or variety shall be identified.
- Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) – measured in centimeters using a diameter tape at 1.37 m (4.5 feet) above grade. If DBH cannot be measured, it shall be estimated and denoted using an asterisk in the corresponding inventory table column. For multi-stemmed trees, the DBH of the largest 3 stems will be noted, and the total stem count will be noted in the ‘Notes’ column of the inventory table
- Crown diameter – estimated in meters at the widest part of the crown
- Condition rating – as described in Condition Rating in table below
- Tree Protection Zone Fencing and signage
- Proposed action – using standardized language throughout the inventory table, a brief description of the proposed actions within the TPZ relative to the tree
- For all trees proposed for removal, the inventory table shall clearly state the reason for the proposed removal and demonstrate that alternatives to removal were considered
- Identify potentially hazardous trees that necessitate additional protective measures such as greater setback requirements, and/or removal
- Identify individual specimen trees of significant size and heritage trees Identify tree removal measures
- Where removal is necessary, calculate compensation, if applicable
Where clear cutting is required, the ISA Certified Arborist will determine if there is a potential to transplant trees.
Table V7-1: Tree health ratings
Good | Represents a tree ranging from a generally healthy tree to a near perfect tree in terms of health, vigor and structure. This tree would exhibit a complete crown structure with little to no deadwood and animal defects. |
Fair | Represents a tree with minor health or structural issues with minimal to moderate deadwood. Branching structure could show signs of included bark or minor rot within the branch connections or trunk wood. Trees in the category could require minor remediation actions to improve the vigor and structure of the tree. |
Poor | Represents a tree that exhibits a poor vigor or extensive rot in the branching and trunk wood. Fungus could be seen from these rotting areas, suggesting further decay. These trees could have extensive die back with a large amount of deadwood, and possibly dead sections. These trees can pose a hazard to public safety as the rot and deadwood could lead to future failure. Trees in this category would require more extensive actions to prevent failure and risk. A tree identified as poor would be a candidate for removal in the near future. |
Dead | Represents a tree that exhibits major health and structural defects. Quite often the defects or disease affecting this tree will be fatal and a high risk to the general public. Large quantities of fungus, large dead sections with possible cavities and bark falling off are all signs that a tree is in a major state of decline and would be identified as very poor. These trees have a high risk of failure. These trees should be identified for removal. |
See Volume 3 for drawing requirements and Standard Drawings for more information.
3.3.4 Tree planting General
The Developer shall provide a street tree planting plan for City approval and street tree planting as a requirement of the development process including a standard two (2) year maintenance and warranty on all plant material.
Street trees shall be located on the public right of way wherever possible and adhere to the design, spacing, setback and location requirements of the Council approved Urban Forest Policy unless otherwise required. Planting requirements
These planting requirements are to serve as the standard for planting of all parks, open space, SWM ponds and street trees. They shall apply regardless of whether the landscape works are performed by the City or external contractors.
Planting Details and numbering have been revised and can be found within Standard Drawings.
Minimum caliper size trees within parks are to be 70mm. A variety of smaller sizes may be approved by the Landscape Architect at their discretion on a site-by-site basis.
See Standard Drawings for more information. Plant selection
Tree species are to be selected in accordance with the City of Waterloo Preferred Street Tree Species List included in Appendix V7-C.
The Landscape Consultant shall select the native species possessing the characteristics that most closely meet the environmental conditions of each site.
Planting methods and techniques shall be indicated on all planting plans. See Standard Drawings for more information. Sizing requirements
3.3.4..1 Deciduous trees
The following list is the City of Waterloo’s minimum requirements for deciduous tree planting:
- Height: 250-300cm
- Caliper: Min. 70mm
- Trunk clear of branches: to 1.5 metres
- Root spread: 50-60cm
- Scaffold branches: Min. of 6 branches
Whips may be used in masses where appropriate in greenbelts or naturalized areas. Coniferous trees
- Individual planting Min. 200-250cm
- Mass planting Min. 150-250cm
3.3.5 Shrub planting
The sizing and placement of shrubs shall be indicated on the plan.
All sizes shall be indicated on the plant list and shall be to a minimum of 60cm or 3-gallon container stock.
To prevent spreading of plant species with suckering roots onto adjacent private properties, species with suckering roots (e.g., sumac) should not be located along park property perimeters.
3.3.6 Groundcover/vine planting
Groundcovers and Vines shall be indicated on plans and included in the plant list and shall be a minimum 1-gallon container stock.
3.3.7 Perennials
The planting of perennials is generally encouraged and, where appropriate site conditions/or programming allows, will be considered by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
Perennial selection will be limited to native, non-invasive, hardy, and easy-to-maintain species unless otherwise approved by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
All perennials shall be indicated on plans and included in the plant list and shall be a minimum 1-gallon container stock.
3.3.8 Planting on slopes
When planting trees, shrubs, and/or perennials on slopes greater than 15%, all planting shall be in a continuous mulched planting bed.
3.3.9 Bare root planting
All bare root planting shall be undertaken in the spring once the frost leaves the ground and before any tree buds open and at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
Exceptions to this can be made for specific species of plant material that need to be planted in the fall for bare root planting. Permission for fall bare root planting will be at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
3.3.10 Mulched planting beds and naturalized seed mix
The City of Waterloo prefers a combination of mulched planting beds with numerous shrubs and naturalized seed mix in appropriate locations to reduce mowing in these areas.
When several trees are planted within close proximity to each other, the trees shall be in individual saucers, with a naturalized seedmix spread between saucers as deemed appropriate by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
All plant material mulched shall be mulched to a depth of minimum 100mm (4") unless otherwise indicated by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
3.3.11 Sodding
At the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect, park/open space and/or sport fields shall be seeded wherever possible. Sod will be used at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
Install a 1.0 m mow strip of sod along all pathway edges, seating areas and any circulation connections and trail nodes.
Maintenance implications shall be evaluated when siting park components. The ease of mowing and widths between components (to a minimum of 3.65m (12’) to accommodate standard City of Waterloo lawn maintenance equipment) shall be addressed by the Landscape Consultant.
3.3.12 Seeding
Seeding of all park/open spaces is preferred except for trail edges and mow strips. On slopes, trail edges or other unusual site conditions it will be at the discretion of the Development Services Landscape Architect to approve or require another method of application.
The City prefers a Grade A three-way perennial rye grass (min. 70%) with Kentucky Bluegrass (max. 20%) and fescues (max. 10%) in the mix, applied with a drill or slit seeding method.
The City uses the following seed mixes for all parks except in areas that are designated sports fields, and in areas designated maintenance strips which will be Kentucky Bluegrass, or another sod approved by the City.
The Low-Grow mix is as follows:
- 20% MX86 Sheep’s Fescue
- 20% Aberdeen Creeping Red Fescue
- 20% Intrigue Chewings Fescue
- 15% Alkali Grass
- 5% Axcella Annual Ryegrass
Seed rate at 2.5-3kg/100 sq. m (5-8 lbs. per 1000sq. ft.), with a nurse crop perennial rye 5kg/100 sq. m. (8lbs. per 1000sq. ft.).
The Greenfields Mix is as follows:
- 30% Coated Creeping Red Fescue
- 27% Tall Fescue
- 15% Coated Richmond Timothy
- 15% Coated Perennial Ryegrass
- 10% Coated Kentucky Bluegrass
- 3% White Clover
Seed rate at 85-110 kg/ha (75-100 lbs/acre)
Other seed mixes might be considered but the final decision is at the discretion of the City Landscape Architect. All types of seed mix (turf, wildflower, etc.) shall be approved by the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
The seed mix type and specifications shall be indicated on the appropriate working drawings.
The Landscape Consultant shall recommend the appropriate mixture based on site conditions, soil type, rate of application and maintenance on the plans submitted to the Development Engineering Landscape Architect for approval.
In certain park/open space settings, a wildflower seed mix may be appropriate as a naturalization technique. Seed mixes must then be native, non-invasive, and drought tolerant. The use of wildflower seed mixes will be at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
All seed mixes proposed are to take into consideration the following site specifics:
- Water regime
- Soil conditions
- Human activity
- Existing vegetation
- Salt tolerance
- Sunlight availability
- Erosion control requirement
- Active or passive naturalization
- Use on-site seed bank material where appropriate
The contractor is to provide the Landscape Architect with the packing receipt verifying the species content, percentages and supplier.
Seeding must occur when soil moisture is appropriate for seeding. The contractor is responsible for supplementary seeding.
Maintain seeded areas until substantial completion inspection occurs. Regular maintenance including cutting, watering, overseeding is required as part of the 2-year maintenance/warranty period. Cut and water and weed as required.
Fertilize one month after seeding with an appropriate fertilizer. Spread evenly at rate of 3.9 kg/100sq. m. and water in well. Postpone fertilizing until the following spring if application falls within a four-week period prior to the expected end of the growing season.
3.3.13 Living fence planting
The City of Waterloo requires a living fence at most private/public interfaces where demarcation posts are utilized or at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect. This does not replace the intent of the Spruce Up Your City program under the City’s Environment First Policy.
Living fence plantings shall be installed immediately following chain link fence or demarcation post installation or prior to final grading of each adjacent lot where required. Early installation is recommended by the City of Waterloo in order to prevent encroachment by the adjacent homebuilder/homeowner into public lands.
A Living Fence Plan shall be designed and submitted by the Landscape Consultant with the working drawing package. Consider species characteristics and location during design phase. Avoid locating suckering species adjacent to private property or other conflicting land use adjacencies.
3.3.14 Stormwater facility planting guidelines
Planting placement and selection should achieve the highest level of utilization, aesthetics, environmental benefits and ease of maintenance for Stormwater Management Facilities.
The City of Waterloo encourages the planting of native shrubs and trees in Stormwater Management areas to ensure natural integrity and protection from the general encroachment of invasive and exotic species.
Locate a 1.0 m mow strip on all vehicle access and trail edges. Mowing is only permitted on the mow strip within the Stormwater Management Pond area.
Fencing or demarcation posts and living fence plantings are required to delineate private and public property.
Access routes and pathway development in Stormwater Management facilities shall be designed as additional recreational lands for pedestrian use. Bollard gates are required at all access route entrances to prohibit entry by unauthorized vehicles. See Standard Drawings for more information.
3.3.15 Structural soil
Structural soil is a designed medium that can meet or exceed pavement design and installation requirements while remaining root penetrable and supportive of tree growth.
Structural Soil is a specific mix of washed, crushed gravel and clay loam soil. The material is designed to function as a sub-base material under pavements for pedestrian traffic or light vehicular traffic with the ability to withstand loading of emergency and/or maintenance vehicles.
Structural Soils intended purpose is for establishing trees in areas where the tree is totally surrounded by pavement and space limitations, or other factors preclude the use of non-paved tree zones or above grade tree planters.
If there are situations that necessitate the use of structural soil for tree growth, the Development Engineering Landscape Architect shall be contacted to discuss options and the use of structural soil.
3.3.16 Invasive species plan
Invasive species are a threat to Waterloo’s biodiversity. They are a species that displace some or most of the native components of a plant community and negatively affect the functioning of a feature/ecosystem.
The most effective way to manage the spread is through prevention, however, they can establish quickly at which point a management plan will be required.
Management of identified invasive species such as but not limited to European Buckthorn, Phragmites, etc. will be undertaken within the new subdivision feature where feasible.
An Invasive Species Management Plan shall be prepared by an ecologist, Landscape Architect, or other qualified professional approved by the City, and funded by the Developer. Three copies shall be provided to the City. The plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to any action on site. The plan is to be prepared in a timely fashion to prevent further spread of the invasive species.
Herbicide treatments by a licensed subcontractor technician will be the preferred method to eradicate, but other options will be considered by the City. The plan will be in effect until the feature is accepted by the City.
3.4 Maintenance
All park/open space development shall be maintained for a minimum of two (2) full years. The Maintenance Contractor shall adhere to the following requirements during the maintenance/warranty period:
3.4.1 Grass cutting and turf maintenance High-maintenance areas
Weekly cuts per year except for extreme weather conditions on high maintenance areas (e.g., playing fields, open space areas), between these areas and the boulevard, and 1m along each side of a public trail system such that the above areas do not exceed 100mm (4”) maximum height between cuts and to be no shorter than 75mm (3”). Low-maintenance areas
10-20 cuts per year (bi-weekly) except for extreme weather conditions on all other passive turfgrass areas such that turf over the balance of the sites do not exceed 150mm (6”) height between cuts and should be kept no shorter than 75mm (3”). Other areas
10-20 times per year (bi-weekly) complete trimming along all hard surface edges (e.g., concrete sidewalks, around trees and planting beds, along top of any armourstone retaining walls, play areas, etc.) using push-mower and hand-held trimmer.
Trimming around trees and planting beds must be done with caution and the operator should not trim any closer than a distance of 50-75mm (2-3”) from the plant material. Watering
Water as required depending on weather conditions to establish sodded areas. Aerifying
The sports field shall be core aerated a minimum of three (3) times per year, just prior to fertilization and all other turf areas to be core aerified one (1) time per year just prior to fertilization. Topdressing / overseeding
If the sod/seed requires, the area(s) shall be topdressed and overseeded with a Grade A quality 3-way perennial rye only. No Kentucky Bluegrass, fescues, etc. are to be included in the overseed mix. Fertilizing
The sports field and area between ball diamond and boulevard shall be fertilized a minimum of three (3) times per year and all other turf areas to be fertilized one (1) time per year.
The type of fertilizer is to be organic based and applied at the manufacturer’s recommended rate. Be specific when listing the breakdown of fertilizer being used.
3.4.2 Plant care maintenance Watering
Apply sufficient water per application to obtain moisture penetration of 75mm to 100mm (3 to 4”).
Apply water in soft spray to avoid “packing” of soil
Move sprinklers as required to avoid running of water and return to those areas until moisture penetration has been reached.
Do not impede use of sidewalks or other paved areas. Timing
Consideration for seasonal conditions and soil moisture levels will dictate the amount of watering that is necessary.
The City would prefer a minimum of watering (5) sessions per growing season to ensure that the landscape area remains in a healthy and vigorous growing condition unless this watering would result in stress from excessive moisture.
Remove dead plants, leaves, branches, seedpods, and fallen fruit. Notify the City of Waterloo of all dead plants and replace as specified under the terms of the warranty or as directed. If plants are replaced the warranty period will be extended to ensure all material has a full 2 (two) year warranty. Weeding
Weed control is to be non-chemical weed control. The Maintenance Contractor shall use good cultural practices to remove weeds and shall adhere to all current provincial legislation as related to pesticide use. Weeding should be done in planting beds and tree circles 3-4 times over the summer. Noxious weeds shall be trimmed out of naturalized areas and not allowed to reach maturity (e.g., ragweed). Specific management of any invasive species present shall be addressed through an Invasive Species Management Plan.
3.4.3 ** No pesticides or herbicides of any kind should be used either on turf or other surfacing. asphalt & stonedust pathway maintenance
All stonedust and asphalt pathways and concrete pads and walls shall be kept levelled and free of ruts, rills, gullies and eroded areas.
3.4.4 Winter maintenance
Snow removal as required on trails, sidewalks (park/open space frontage) and or other areas at the discretion of the Development Engineering Landscape Architect.
3.4.5 Maintenance of accessories
Maintain all plant accessories such as tree supports, grip wire, tree wrapping, tree guards, etc. in good condition through the maintenance period.
At the end of the maintenance period, remove all tree supports, wrappings, etc. as directed.
Locks on the gates are to be arranged so that the cross bar is on the outside of the post and the perpendicular bar is on the inside of the gate to prevent any potential accidents.
3.4.6 Maintenance of playground areas
All play area surfacing is to be rototilled, raked, weeded and cleaned of debris regularly.
If necessary, top up engineered wood fibre (or other approved surface) to maintain the minimum depth requirements.
Any damage to edging or any vandalism to the play structures and its components are to be repaired immediately upon notice.
Any and all issues identified by the Parks Playground Inspector are to be rectified immediately upon notice until the Final Acceptance Certificate is awarded.
4.0 Capital projects
At this time, landscape architectural guidelines for capital projects have not been provided. Please work with the Engineering Services Landscape Architect or Project Manager for guidance.