Large street gatherings

Our Town and Gown Committee has created an unsanctioned public gatherings task force.

The task force was asked to assess the growth of unsanctioned pubic gatherings, understand the impact on the community and provide potential strategies on how they can be managed.

In March 2020, an update on the work of the task force was presented to city council.

Advancing recommendations

A Town and Gown working group is currently working to advance the following recommendations:

  • 10 – Comprehensive Communications Plan
  • 3 – Institutional Culture
  • 4 – Student Solutions
  • 7 – Legislative Improvements

View the full summary of Large Street Gatherings - Areas of Recommendations (PDF).

Responsibilities for Driving the Change

Representatives from several agencies/groups are contributing to advancing recommendations. Below is a list of their responsibilities. 

City of Waterloo (City), Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU), University of Waterloo (UW), Waterloo Region Police Service (WRPS).

Initiative Lead Collaborators
Operational excellence WRPS City of Waterloo, Paramedics, WLU, UW
Change nature of event WLU, UW, Conestoga College Student Unions
Institutional culture WLU, UW, Conestoga College Student Unions
Student solutions WLU, UW, Conestoga College  
Shift the financial burden WLU, UW, Conestoga College City, Student Unions
Advocacy City WRPS, WLU, UW, Conestoga College, Student Unions
Legislative improvements City WRPS
Change the built form City WLU
Landowner education City WLU, Landlord Associations(s)
Comprehensive communication plan City, Town and Gown Committee WLU, UW, Conestoga College, Student Unions, WRPS
Ongoing Collaboration Town and Gown Committee All partners
Measuring outcomes Town and Gown Committee All partners