Are you interested in supporting neighbourhood connections? Consider becoming a neighbourhood connector (formerly block connectors). Neighbourhood connectors build relationships with neighbours by:

  • sharing information
  • planning connection opportunities
  • supporting one another
  • building a sense of community

Apply to be a neighbourhood connector today! Simply use the online form or send an email to to chat.

Apply online now!

What is a neighbourhood connector?

Neighbourhood connectors are neighbourhood leaders that value community development and diversity and are committed to building and supporting relationships with their neighbours.

Being a neighbourhood connector

To support neighbourhood connections, neighbourhood connectors: 

  • aim to plan one (or more) initiatives each year to promote neighbourhood connections
  • spread the word about this program
  • connect with the neighbourhoods team to discuss the program
  • attend meet-ups to socialize with other neighbourhood connectors and learn more

Initiatives that support neighbourhood connections could include hosting events, sending welcome cards, scheduling activities for neighbours, and more. Neighbourhood connectors will build connections with neighbours in unique ways that make sense for them.

Why become a neighbourhood connector 

The neighbourhood connector program makes it easier for neighbours to do great things in their community. Some of the benefits of being a neighbourhood connector are listed below:

  • promote community connections and well-being
  • have access to staff support from the city
  • opportunities to learn and develop skills
  • build connections with other community members
  • access to funding opportunities (neighbourhood connectors can apply for the mini-grant three times per year!)

Applying to be a neighbourhood connector

Neighbourhood connectors must reside in the City of Waterloo and will work with city staff to identify an area of their neighbourhood where they would like to connect. This could include multi-residential housing, such as apartment buildings, condominiums, or other clustered homes. Applicants are welcome from all areas of the city. 

Resources for neighbourhood connectors

There are helpful resources available to support neighbourhood connectors:

How-to guides 
The City of Waterloo has how-to guides that provide information to help neighbours plan and deliver neighbourhood initiatives. 
List of ideas

Check out this list of ideas for events, projects, and programs to help get inspired. This list was developed by city staff and block connectors. 

Welcome postcards 

City staff can help new neighbourhood connectors develop welcome postcards to share with neighbours in their area. 

Recent neighbourhood connector projects

Neighbourhood connectors are working hard to develop connections across the community. For inspiration, check out a list of recent projects completed by neighbourhood connectors:

  • Neighbourhood connectors in Lincoln Heights hosted a Halloween event at their local park. This fall event featured fun activities and games for neighbours to participate in.
  • Lakeshore North neighbourhood connectors noticed how quickly neighbourhood connections and positivity can spread with a recent game of neighbourhood bingo. Neighbours were tasked with finding certain areas in their neighbourhood to complete the bingo card!
  • After leading a few neighbourhood connections in the Foxhunt community, a local neighbourhood connector brought together a team of neighbours to plan a Music in the Park event. At this fun event, neighbours were able to mingle and enjoy live music outdoors.