
The city publishes strategies on a variety of important issues to the community and our internal operations. Find recent strategies below.

Affordable Housing Strategy

Approved by council in 2023, the Affordable Housing Strategy aims to:

  1. Plan for and enable a greater supply and mix of housing
  2. Plan for and prioritize non-market (subsidized) and temporary housing
  3. Optimize the use of existing housing and protect the affordable housing supply
  4. Provide incentives to build affordable housing
  5. Build city and community capacity, awareness and supports for affordable housing

Supporting documents (PDF)

Built Heritage Strategy

Approved by council in 2015, this strategy created a 10-year plan to conserve cultural heritage buildings and landscapes. It recognizes that conservation is a shared responsibility, requiring the involvement of city departments, property owners and other stakeholders.

As the city plays a key role in the partnership, the strategy emphasizes how we can better support community partners and take a leading role in the collective effort to conserve cultural heritage resources.

Supporting documents (PDF)

Economic Development Strategy

Approved by council in December 2019, the Economic Development Strategic Plan lays a framework for enhancing strategic priorities over the next 5 years. The path forward outlines tangible solutions and relevant actions to help build economic sustainability, global competitiveness, and position Waterloo for long term success.

Supporting documents (PDF)

 Indoor Community Space Strategy

Approved by council in 2024, the Indoor Community Space Strategy (ICSS) is a 10-year roadmap for transformational change. It includes recommendations on how to improve existing facilities, how to increase access and minimize barriers and how to plan for the future.

This Strategy is intended to support the growth and change necessary for the City’s facilities to keep up with the community over the next decade and beyond.

All facilities that are owned and operated by the City of Waterloo with extensive public use are included in the scope of this Strategy. Facilities with long-term leases are excluded.

Supporting documents (PDF)

Museums and Collections Strategy

Finalized in 2015, this strategy outlines a long term vision for the museum and its collections, including opportunities for residents to become more engaged through the museum. 

Supporting documents (PDF)

Neighbourhood Strategy 

Approved in 2018, this strategy will be put into action over the next five years. It encourages neighbour interaction, empowers residents to lead and commits the city to an enabling corporate culture. 

Supporting documents (PDF)

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Older Adult Recreation Strategy

Finalized in 2015, this five-year strategy focuses on program delivery, volunteers, affordability, recreation facilities, and Local Health Integrated Network programs. 

Supporting documents (PDF)

Outdoor Sports Field Strategy

Completed in 2012, this is a 20-year strategy for multi-purpose sports fields in Waterloo. The vision is to ensure residents have access to quality fields throughout the city, enhancing health and capacity for sport and play.

Supporting documents (PDF)

Parkland Strategy 

Approved by council in June 2022, this strategy creates a 10-year action plan that will prioritize how the city invests in parkland spaces.

Parks are one of the city's largest and most diverse assets, from neighbourhood parks, urban parks, cultural parks and athletic parks to woodlots, wetlands, natural corridors and linkages. This strategy establishes a plan based on existing service levels, and review park inventory and resource allocation.

Supporting documents:

If you require these documents in an alternate format, contact 519-886-2310 ext. 30272 or

University Avenue Gateway Strategy

University Avenue is an important east-west corridor in the City of Waterloo that functions as a multi-modal transportation corridor and is a significant transit route in the community. This unique corridor connects directly to three prestigious post-secondary institutions and is the centre for learning, innovation, discovery, and entrepreneurship.

The University Avenue Gateway Strategy (PDF) known as the UAGS was developed to guide the evolution of University Avenue as a strategic gateway to the city and Region of Waterloo. 

The UAGS provides a cohesive vision, design objectives, and streetscaping principles for University Avenue. The overall intent of the UAGS is to inform future streetscaping projects, public art, and other street-related initiatives. 

If you have questions about this project, contact the project manager at 519-747-8518 or

Uptown Parking Strategy

Finalized in May 2008, this strategy guides parking decisions in the uptown core. It addresses the challenges and opportunities of the municipal parking program in terms of supporting economic development and good urban design.

Supporting documents (PDF)

Uptown Public Realm Strategy

Finalized in 2019, this strategy provides a plan for a high-quality, inviting and vibrant public realm in the Uptown. The strategy looks at the spaces between the buildings, including parks, open spaces, streets and other corridors.

Supporting documents (PDFs)