Firearms bylaw

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Bylaw number: 1992 - 098
Last passed by council: October 5, 1992

A bylaw to prohibit the discharge of guns or other firearms within the corporate limits of the City of Waterloo. 

Now therefore the municipal council of the corporation of the City of Waterloo enacts as follows: 

1. Except for the properties, as set out in Schedule "A" attached hereto, no person shall discharge any gun or other fire arms, air guns and spring guns or any class or type thereof within the Corporate limits of the City of Waterloo; provided that this prohibition shall not extend to any person firing any such weapon in actual defence of life or property.

2. No person shall cast or project any bow and arrow within the Corporate limits of the City of Waterloo.

3. Every person who contravenes any provision of this By­law is guilty of an offence and is liable upon conviction to a fine up to $5,000.00 as provided by the Provincial Offences Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter P-33.

4. That the Clerk be authorized to amend Chapter 806 of the City of Waterloo Municipal Code.

5. By-Law Number 88-168 and any other Bylaw inconsistent with the provisions of this Bylaw are hereby repealed.

Schedule "A" to bylaw No. 88-168

135 Dearborn Street 

631 Colby Drive