Water and environment
Water billing and accounts
Open or make changes to a water account, sign up for online billing, and view options for bill payment.
Water quality
Learn how to identify and respond to water quality problems, and find out more about how the city maintains a safe drinking water system.
Water meters
Use this page to learn about your water meter and how to check for leaks. Find out how our remote meter reading system (AMI) works.
Water certificates
Water certificates show outstanding balances on water accounts. They are often requested during the sale or purchase of a property.
Manage grading and drainage on your property
Learn how to maintain good drainage on your property, how to deal with water on your property and solve issues with water flowing from neighbouring properties.
Stormwater management
Apply for the stormwater credit program and learn how we work to reduce the impact of runoff into creeks, ponds and wetlands.
Watermains and valves
Learn more about watermain flushing, how to report a watermain break, and where the water valve is located on your property. Apply to alter a watermain for a development project.
Sewers and wastewater
Report a sewer blockage and learn what to do if pipes need to be repaired. Additional info on rebates for wastewater diversion.
Backflow prevention
Learn more about the backflow prevention program, including survey forms, accredited testers, permit applications and applicable fees.
Trees and yards
Report damage and request trimming for city-owned trees, learn more about ash tree replacement, tree care tips, and yard maintenance standards.
Boulevard gardens
Learn about planning and maintaining your boulevard or cul-de-sac island garden. Call before you dig!