Uptown community improvement grant

Eligible property owners and tenants in the uptown area can receive grants for various renovation projects as part of the Community Improvement Plan (CIP).

Contact the Economic Development Office at 519-465-5501 or cip@waterloo.ca to learn more.

On this page

  1. Uptown façade improvement grant
  2. Year-round grants

Uptown façade improvement grant

The purpose of the grant is to:

  • to improve appearance of streetscape and buildings, and conserve heritage features
  • city and UpTown BIA grants are matched to funding from the applicant
  • heritage designation grant does not require matching funds
Grant type Regular property Corner property
Matching grant from city Up to $10,000 Up to $15,000
Additional grant for designated heritage properties $5,000 $5,000

Application process

  1. Book a pre-application meeting with economic development officer by phone at 519-747-8530 or email to cip@waterloo.ca
  2. Following the meeting, download and complete an application form (PDF).
  3. Submit your application form by the specified deadline to cip@waterloo.ca (a scanned copy of the application form is accepted).

If you need support applying via email, contact 519-747-8530 or cip@waterloo.ca

After work is complete you are required to provide documentation. Staff will review it and issue payment for complete submissions within two to three weeks. 

Year-round grants

  • intended for large re-urbanization projects over 5,000 sq. ft. that create new floor space for affordable housing units and/or non-residential uses that include an office employment component
  • provides a tax increment grant equal to a portion or full amount of the estimated property tax increase after the property is redeveloped and reassessed
  • additional incentives will be provided for developments that include heritage conservation and/or sustainable building design and construction

Major activity grant matrix

As-built project achieves a minimum of 5,000 sq. ft. requirements: Amount of grant as percent of municipal tax increment associated with employment use Duration of grant
Level 1 - building floor area for office employment has a minimum floor space ratio 1.0 80% six years

Level 2 - building floor area for office employment has a minimum floor space ratio 1.0 with:

  • designated heritage resource
  • achieves LEED certification or other sustainable design/construction standards recognized by the city
90% eight years

Level 3 - building floor area for office employment has a minimum floor space ratio 1.0 with:

  • designated heritage resource
  • achieves LEED certification or other sustainable design/construction standards recognized by the city
100% 10 years

Affordable housing uses matrix

As-built project achieves a minimum of 5,000 sq. ft. requirements: Amount of grant as percent of municipal tax increment associated with employment use Duration of grant
Level 1 - minimum of 10% of residential units provided in a residential or mixed-use building are affordable as defined by this CIP, with no fewer than 10 affordable residential units 50% six years

Level 2 - minimum of 10% of residential units provided in a residential or mixed-use building are affordable as defined by this CIP, with no fewer than 10 affordable residential units and:

  • designated heritage resource
  • achieves LEED certification or other sustainable design/construction standards recognized by the city
50% eight years

Level 3 - minimum of 10% of residential units provided in a residential or mixed-use building are affordable as defined by this CIP, with no fewer than 10 affordable residential units and:

  • designated heritage resource
  • achieves LEED certification or other sustainable design/construction standards recognized by the city
50% 10 years

Parking exemptions program

  • program will facilitate small scale non-residential building conversions and expansions
  • emphasis on office expansions or changes in use where the developer is unable to provide the on-site parking as required by the city's zoning bylaw

Application process

To begin the application process, book a pre-application meeting with economic development officer by phone at 519-465-5501 or email to cip@waterloo.ca.