Municipal system alterations
Learn when and how to submit an alteration application for drinking water, stormwater or sanitary systems. Sometimes all three applications are required to meet reconstruction, site alteration or development requirements.
On this page
- When to submit an application
- When not to submit an application
- Before you apply
- Prepare a drinking water system alteration application
- Prepare a wastewater or stormwater system alteration application (CLI-ECA)
- Include required documentation
- Submit application
- Pay fees
- Timeline for approval
- Understand pre-authorized approvals for system alterations
- Post-construction owner verification (Part 5)
When to submit an application to the city
Most watermain alteration projects can be approved by the City of Waterloo, under the authority of the City of Waterloo's Drinking Water Works Permit (DWWP), including new developments. Only alterations that are pre-authorized in the city's DWWP can be approved by the city. Read more about the Form 1 process.
Most alterations to wastewater and stormwater infrastructure will meet preauthorized design criteria that fall under the Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI-ECA) process and will be reviewed and approved by the City. Read more about CLI-ECA approvals.
If you are a developer or prescribed person, you must determine whether your project meets the requirements for pre-authorized alterations under each CLI-ECA’s Schedule D conditions (which the city can review and approve) or if you are required to make a Schedule C amendment to the existing CLI-ECA or apply for a municipal sewage ECA from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation Parks (MECP).
For drinking water infrastructure alteration projects |
All watermain alterations and water services connections as defined under the Drinking Water Works Permit (DWWP) 112-201 (PDF) require an application when:
Go to the section for Drinking water system alteration applications |
For wastewater infrastructure alteration projects |
Wastewater collection system additions, modifications, replacements and extensions requiring an application as defined under the city’s CLI-ECA 112-W601 (PDF) are:
Go the section for Wastewater system alteration approvals (CLI-ECA) |
For stormwater infrastructure alteration projects |
Stormwater management system additions, modifications, replacements and extensions requiring an application as defined under the city's CLI-ECA 112-S701 (PDF), are:
Go the section for Stormwater system alteration approvals (CLI-ECA) |
When not to submit an application to the city
For non-standard or complex changes which may require MECP approval
Non-standard or complex infrastructure changes to any of the three systems may still require Ontario MECP approval. The applicant must do their due diligence to ensure applications are prepared and submitted as required.
For non-city owned systems
The city does not have the authority to approve alterations for:
- privately owned drinking water systems
- privately owned, industrial and commercial sewage collection
- privately owned, industrial and commercial stormwater management systems
Refer to the DWWP or corresponding CLI-ECA for more information.
For these projects, you may still need an individual ECA from the MECP, or a building permit.
If the work qualifies for direct submission to the MECP, refer to the Ministry’s Guide to applying for an environmental compliance approval.
Certain routine and lower-risk activities require applicants to register online in the Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR). In these cases, an ECA is not required. Find out when to apply for an ECA and when to self-register for an EASR on the MECP website.
For watermain alteration projects
Exemptions from the watermain alteration application process include repairs and maintenance of existing infrastructure. The City Utilities Division must be notified once this work is complete. This includes:
- watermain replacement without changes to size, material or location,
- watermain lining replacement
- hydrant replacement or head extension
- watermain break
- clamp installation
- anode installations
- stub removal
- valves work
Before you apply
All development applications must first meet the requirements of the site plan approval process and this includes those applying directly to MECP. Begin the site plan approval process with the Development Planning division.
To help with final approval, we recommend that the requirements of the CLI ECA Wastewater and Stormwater applications are incorporated into the pre-submission consultation process for site plan approval.
Prepare a drinking water system alteration application
The MECP’s Record of Watermains Authorized as a Future Alteration (Form 1) is required for all watermain alterations and water services connections.
Applications must meet requirements outlined by the city's DWWP and the MECP design criteria. View the city Drinking Water Works Permit (PDF) and the MECP watermain design criteria for future alterations authorized under a drinking water works permit.
If the requirements are not met, an application must be made to the MECP.
Drinking water system alterations requiring an application are:
- new watermain installation
- service installation if the diameter is equal to or greater than 100 mm (effective date March 1 2022)
- watermain replacement that changes size, material or location
- connection of two drinking water systems
- alterations to dual watermains
- lowering of a watermain to beneath existing infrastructure
- hydrant addition or relocation
- watermain pipe replacement of greater then 6.1 m
Service connections application instructions are divided into 2 types by size |
Large service connections of 100 mm or greater require approval — follow the instructions below. (Service connections less than 100 mm do not require this process.) To use the MECP Form 1, right click on the link, save the document and then open it in Adobe Reader (free) or Adobe Acrobat to edit it. Instructions for 100 mm (4 inch) service connections:
Instructions for 150 mm (6 inch) or greater service connections:
Links to supporting information: |
Watermain alteration application instructions |
To use the MECP Form 1, right click on the link, save the document and then open it in Adobe Reader (free) or Adobe Acrobat to edit it.
Submit the completed application package to:
- for development projects, email the package to and copy the city engineering reviewer
- for capital and/or reconstruction projects, email the city project manager (who will submit to after review)
Upon approval, applicants will be provided with a response letter and an approval signed by the City of Waterloo.
Prepare a wastewater or stormwater system alteration application (CLI-ECA)
The city’s CLI-ECA approval process covers most alterations that meet the preauthorized MECP requirements for the entire municipal sewage collection system and stormwater management system owned and operated by the City of Waterloo.
All submissions must:
- include a cover letter as described in the checklist
- follow the current MECP Design Criteria for Sanitary Sewers, Storm Sewers and Forcemains , for alterations authorized under the Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA)
- meet the requirements as defined in the corresponding CLI-ECA for wastewater or stormwater system alterations
- satisfy other regulatory agencies and, provincial and municipal approved conditions
Any project alterations not designed in accordance with or not satisfying the conditions of the MECP Design Criteria (examples are non-standard or complex infrastructure changes), may still be approved but will require a direct submission to the MECP.
Depending on your project, you may also need to apply for an individual ECA from the MECP or submit an application for a CLI-ECA alteration with the Region of Waterloo.
Prepare a wastewater infrastructure system alteration application
To make sure an application is required, review the alterations requiring a wastewater infrastructure system application.
Applications must meet requirements outlined by the MECP-provided ECA and MECP design criteria. View the Wastewater Management System ECA 112-W601 (PDF). View the MECP Design Criteria document (PDF).
Application submission requirements
- Fill out parts 1, 2 and 3 of the following forms (PDF):
- Form SS1 for alterations to sanitary sewers such as gravity sanitary collection and forcemains, including maintenance holes, service laterals and drop structures, siphons (inverted or other)
- Form SS2 for alterations to components of the collection system such as pumping stations, real time control systems, emergency power generators, odour control units, corrosion control units
- Form A1 for discharging a contaminant of concern to the atmosphere
- Provide all supporting documentation as listed in the CLI-ECA Wastewater Applicant Submission Checklist form SAA-F1 (fillable PDF), including:
- sanitary sewers design sheets and drainage area plans
- MECP Pipe Data Form (PIBS 6238e) and/or supporting documentation
- inspection and testing plan, as stated in the MECP design criteria (PDF), must be submitted to by the contractor prior to mobilizing on site
- completed Permit application fee form SAA-F3 (PDF)
- sewage pumping station design report (PDF), where applicable
- any other requirements as outlined in the Wastewater Collection System ECA 112-W601 (PDF)
- other reports, design sheets and plans as required
Prepare a stormwater management system alteration application
To make sure an application is required, review the alterations requiring a stormwater management system application.
Applications must meet requirements outlined by the MECP provided ECA and MECP design criteria. View the Stormwater Management System ECA 112-S701 (PDF). View the MECP Design Criteria document (PDF).
Application submission requirements
- Fill out the current version of applicable MECP forms (PDF):
- Form SW1 for alterations to storm mains, ditches or culverts including catchbasins, maintenance holes, and grates
- Form SW2 for alterations to stormwater management facilities such as oil grit separators, low impact development, wet ponds, dry ponds, superpipe/storage facilities
- Form SW3 for alteration of of a third pipe collection system
- Provide all supporting documentation as listed in the CLI-ECA Stormwater Applicant Submission Checklist SAA-F2 (fillable PDF), including:
- stormwater management report (PDF)
- stormwater management plans
- storm sewers design sheets and drainage area plans
- MECP pipe data form (PIBS 6238e) and/or support documentation
- completed Permit application fee form SAA-F3 (PDF)
- inspection and testing plan, as stated in the MECP design criteria (PDF), must be submitted to by the contractor prior to mobilizing on site
- any other requirements outlined by the Stormwater Management System ECA 112-S701(PDF)
- other reports, design sheets and plans as required
Include required documentation for wastewater and stormwater alterations applications
The application review process will be initiated following reception of the complete submission application package and the fee has been processed.
Submissions are to be submitted in their entirety by one agent of the owner in one complete package as outlined in the corresponding applicant submission checklist(s) referenced in the instructions.
Submissions must include:
- digital copies or links to digital copies of the applicable forms and documents
- searchable PDF files are required for forms and reports
- design drawings that are to-scale and stamped by a Licensed Engineering Practitioner.
Application packages will be screened for completeness for:
- cover letter, ensure minimum requirements are included
- complete MECP Forms (as applicable)
- supporting documents
- completed Permit application fee form SAA-F3 (PDF)
- corresponding applicant submission checklist(s) that must be completed and submitted with all applications
The applicant must:
- Ensure that the most recent version of the MECP’s Record of Future Alteration Authorized form(s) is used.
- Ensure all applicable guidelines, design standards, and specifications available at the time of design of an alteration are utilized to demonstrate compliance.
- Ensure Source Protection conditions, outlined in the Design Criteria and the City of Waterloo Significant Drinking Water Threat Assessment Report for Proposed Alterations (PDF), are satisfied
- All drawings and form(s) must be signed, (electronic signatures are accepted and preferred), dated and sealed by the licensed Engineering Practitioner responsible for the alteration.
Notification of Application(s) and related inquiries must be submitted by email to Please note the City’s email is capped at 10 MB if sharing information via email. For larger files contact to get a link where documents can be shared to staff.
Submit your application
The application review process cannot begin until a complete application package is received and the fee has been processed.Submit the completed application package to:
- for development projects, email the package to and copy the city engineering reviewer
- for capital and/or reconstruction projects, email the city project manager (who will submit to after review)
Upon approval, applicants will be provided with a response letter and an approval signed by the City of Waterloo.
Pay the fees
The Permit Application Fee Form SAA-F3 (PDF) is used to calculate and summarize the application fees for the project. Only 1 form is required per project. This form includes payment information and it must be completed and submitted with all applications. The fees cover the CLI-ECA’s review and permitting process. These fees have been approved under the Fees and Charges Bylaw.
Confirmation of the fees required to be paid will be provided to the applicant after a review of the application for completeness.
Pay fees by:
- making cheques payable to The Corporation of the City of Waterloo
- including the project name, property address, and/or owner’s name
- deliver the cheque by hand or mail to:
City of Waterloo Service Centre
Attention: Compliance - City Utilities
265 Lexington Court
PO Box 337, STN Waterloo
Waterloo, ON N2J 4A8
Insufficient funds are subject to a $38.00 fee.
Fees and charges for municipal system alterations
System being altered | Current municipal fee |
Alteration to the drinking water system review fee (Form#1) | $1024 |
Sanitary sewers |
$3152 |
Sanitary appurtenances (each appurtenance) | $3152 |
Sewage pumping station/Forcemain (each facility/forcemain) | $6304 |
Storm sewers | $3152 |
Storm appurtenances (each appurtenance) | $3152 |
Stormwater management facilities (each facility) | $6304 |
Alteration application expedited review (each system) | 50% of total submission |
Review of CLI ECA Amendment Application for MECP submission (each system) | $1051 |
Timeline to get approval
Processing times will vary based on the type of application submitted, if the application is complete and when the fee is received.
The estimated time to process a complete Drinking Water alteration application is 4 weeks, while the estimated time to process a complete Wastewater and/or Stormwater CLI-ECA application is 4 to 12 weeks, depending on the complexity. Processing times may increase during the peak construction season.
Contact City Utilities by email at for support with an application.
Understand pre-authorized approvals for system alterations
Drinking water system alterations
The city has the authority to approve alterations to the drinking water system in accordance with the applicable conditions of the Drinking Water Works Permit (DWWP) under the preauthorized requirements it defines. Most drinking water alteration projects can be approved through the Form 1 process.
Wastewater and stormwater system alterations
A CLI-ECA permit is required if the project includes changes to the city’s wastewater and/or stormwater infrastructure under certain conditions. Types of changes included are: additions, modifications, replacements, and/or extensions.
The two types of alterations that require CLI-ECA applications to the city are:
- Wastewater (sanitary sewage) collection system changes. This includes all connected sewage collection works within the City of Waterloo that are owned and/or operated by the City of Waterloo including pumping stations and pipes.
- Stormwater management system changes. This includes all connected stormwater management works within the City of Waterloo that are owned and/or operated by the City of Waterloo, including pipes, stormwater management facilities, and Low Impact Development (LID) infrastructure.
CLI-ECA requirements can be found under the Wastewater and Stormwater System Alteration Approvals (CLI-ECA) section.
Learn more by:
- viewing the MECP information regarding the program
- reviewing the approval conditions and exemptions listed in the corresponding CLI-ECA Agreement (Schedule D)
The CLI-ECA process
The sanitary and stormwater approvals process is referred to as the Consolidated Linear Infrastructure Environmental Compliance Approval (CLI-ECA). The CLI-ECA approval process covers most alterations that meet the preauthorized Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) requirements for the entire municipal wastewater collection system and stormwater management system owned and operated by the City of Waterloo.
The Transfer of Review (ToR) ECA process has been retired by the MECP.
Development projects no longer need to submit individual pipe-by-pipe applications to the MECP for future alterations but alterations must:
- follow the MECP design criteria
- meet the requirements as defined in the city's CLI-ECA
- satisfy other provincial and municipal approved conditions
Requests for exceptions to the MECP design criteria may still be approved but require a direct submission to MECP. The applicant must do their due diligence to ensure applications are prepared and submitted as required.
The city's CLI-ECA includes: (PDFs)
- Environmental Compliance Approval for the Wastewater Collection (including Forcemains)
- Environmental Compliance Approval for the Stormwater Management System
If you have questions about CLI-ECA alterations, email
Prepare post-construction owner verification documentation
The city will provide final CLI-ECA approval via Part 5: Post-Construction Verification by Owner on the SS and SW forms.
The applicant will provide the Post-Construction Checklist and applicable supporting documents at substantial performance/start of maintenance and final completion/assumption.
Submission requirements
Provide all supporting documents listed in the SAA-F8 CLI-ECA Wastewater Applicant Post-Construction Checklist (fillable PDF) and SAA-F9 CLI-ECA Stormwater Applicant Post-Construction Checklist (fillable PDF), including:
- Record drawings stamped by a P. Eng., licensed in Ontario
- All inspection and testing records per MECP Design Criteria (PDF) Section 8.0, including but not limited to:
- maintenance reports adhering to ESC plan and measures during construction activity
- daily engineering inspection records completed during infrastructure installation per Wastewater Management System ECA 112-W601 (PDF) or Stormwater Management System ECA 112-S701 (PDF) Schedule D, 3.11
- CCTV inspection records, reports and videos
- mandrel and deflection testing
- hydrostatic pressure testing results for forced mains
- leakage testing reports
- Operations and Maintenance Manual per Wastewater Management System ECA 112-W601 (PDF) or Stormwater Management System ECA 112-S701 (PDF) Schedule E, 3.0
- Sampling and monitoring plan
- Any other requirements outlined in the following documents:
- Wastewater Management System ECA 112-W601 (PDF)
- Stormwater Management System ECA 112-S701 (PDF)
- SAA-F8 CLI-ECA Wastewater Applicant Post-Construction Checklist (PDF)
- SAA-F9 CLI-ECA Stormwater Applicant Post-Construction Checklist (PDF)
- Stormwater management inspection forms as applicable: SWM Pond (form SAA-F12), OGS (form SAA-F11), LID (form SAA-10) — request applicable forms at
- Other documents as required